All Systems > HackBook Systems > MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2013)
Step 0: - RTFG/M
- Read the entire guide/manual first.
- Now that you see you have to restart, send to your Smartphone or Tablet.
- Connect the charger before continuing further.
Step 1: - Setup Boot Drive
- Please make sure you have macOS Catalina as your main OS and a second partition separate for macOS Big Sur.
- Make sure they’re not in the same container.
Step 2: - Get Big Sur
- Download macOS Big Sur Beta (Apple will disable soon) or released version.
- Open and run it.
- Check that you indeed have Mac OS Beta in the Applications Folder.
Step 3: - Configure SIP
- Boot into Recovery Mode (Reboot and hold CMD+R)
- Open Terminal
- Type in “csrutil disable” (no ‘sudo’ required)
- Type in “reboot”
Step 4: - Patching
- Download Hax.dylib
- Move Hax.dylib to Home folder (Shift+CMD+H)
- Open Terminal.
- Type or paste the following: “sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisableLibraryValidation -bool true”
- Run it
- Next, type or paste the following: “launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES $PWD/Hax.dylib”
- Run it
- Optional: Clear the Terminal or Bash history.
Step 5: - Installation
- Last time to check that the partitions are not in the same container.
- Launch the macOS Big Sur app from the Applications folder.
- Wait until it completes or gives you a no entry symbol.
- Switch back to the Catalina partition.
- Go back to the Terminal.
- Type in sudo nvram boot-args=”-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1″
- Authorize with your password
Step 6: - Configuration
- Switch back to the Big Sur partition.
- Complete the installation.
Step 7: - Post Installation
- Install HorNDIS for USB tethering or use USB Wi-FI