
Software > Bootloader

Firmware-based and Software-based Boot Managers
BIOS.mod – Built to provide fixed DSDTs and modified BIOSes for desktops and laptops.
★ Boot-132 – Built loading the XNU kernel.
★ BootX – Built into every PowerPC-based Mac for booting of Mac OS X.
Chameleon – Built to handle Legacy BIOS booting of Mac OS X.
Chimera – Built upon Chameleon to provide maximum compatibility with macOS.
Clover – Built for beginners to get started and professionals to take it further.
★ EFI-X – Built for motherboards internal USB interface to launch Mac OS X.
Enoch – Built with tweaks to improve hardware compatibility.
★ MultiBeast – The sibling to UniBeast to make installations by noobs go smoothly.
★ Start Manager – Built into every Intel-based Mac with limits on Apple system software.
OpenCore – Built with the speed and security that your system software needs.
Ozmosis – Built for dual UEFI motherboards and true vanilla enthusiasts.
Ventoy – Create endless bootable USB sticks without formatting.
VirtualBox – Built for the beginner to run a virtual session from ISOs and Discs.
VMware – Built for the professionals to run sessions from numerous sources.

You can downgrade, upgrade, update, or fresh install to meet your multi-boot needs.